Cloud City Medical

Colorado Visitors and Residents

Did you know that Colorado is the only U.S. state that lies entirely above 1,000 meters of elevation? However, visitors and residents of Chaffee and Lake Counties in Colorado, share living at between 7,500 and 14,420 feet of altitude above sea level.

Amazingly, at sea level and above, there is always 21-percent oxygen in the air. However, at altitude, there is less pressure pushing oxygen into your lungs which can cause some health issues.

  • Sleeping produces slower breathing patterns which let in less oxygen and exacerbates the altitude effects on your body
  • It may take up to five days for senior visitors to acclimate to higher altitudes
  • Seniors may exhibit impaired functional capability and depression at altitude
  • Moderate altitude exposure by seniors can bring on hypoxemia, sympathetic activation, and pulmonary hypertension that results in reduced exercise capacity
  • Heart and lung disease become exacerbated with advancing age at high altitude

There is a lot to go over when visiting or living at altitude. Your Cloud City Medical associates are your neighbors and are personally experienced in living, working, and playing at altitude.

Without an adequate oxygen supply, even moderate altitude exposure by seniors can bring on hypoxemia, sympathetic activation, and pulmonary hypertension that results in reduced exercise capacity. Cloud City Medical associates are well-trained in altitude safety protocols and serve as a valuable local resource to residents and visitors when at altitude.

Cloud City Medical provides around-the-clock oxygen monitoring and delivery services to Chaffee and Lake Counties in Colorado. They fully understand the unique altitude-related issues of this area and serve as a proven resource to discuss and recommend CPAP and oxygen products and services.

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