Transfer System
Transfer System
Fully Accredited Medicare Provider E1035 and E1036
- Safer and more comfortable one Caregiver Patient Transfer
- Reposition Patient from bed to Chair Position Without Manual Lifting
- Home Health And Hospice Approved

Qualifying Patient Diagnoses
- Alzheimer's/Dementia
- Amputations (AKAs and BKAs)
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Joint Contractures
- Decubitus Ulcers (Stage II or Greater on Trunk or Pelvic Region)
- Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
- Osteoarthritis
- Paralysis (Paraplegia and Quadriplegia)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Seizure Disorder
- Stroke

Patient Requirements
- The Barton Chair multi-positional patient transfer system is covered by Medicare when transfer between bed and a chair, wheelchair, or commode are required, because without the use of a lift, the beneficiary would be bed confined.
- Require supine/lateral transfers
- Non-weight bearing and chairbound patients that require Max-Assist transfers
Advantages of the Barton Chair
- Allows a single caregiver to safely transfer a patient
- Provides the safest transfer possible
- Create a more positive patient experience
- Capable of unlimited positioning for maximum patient comfort
- Central locking/steering casters for patient and caregiver safety
- Fully adjustable headrest with support
- 700 lb. weight capacity
- Zero patient or care giver injuries in 20 years
- 2 types of equipment in 1 (wheelchair & lift)
- Saves time & money
- The Barton Chair is an approved item by Medicare (e1035 and E1036) and for hospice use
Disadvantages of Hoyer Lift
- Hoyer Lift requires 2-3 caregivers to safely transfer a patient
- Designed in 1955 after an engine hoist
- CMS estimates that a patient or caregiver is injured once every 4 mins.
- Only has 2 postions: up and down
Barton Chair Features
Adjustable in height, depth and angle for proper support and LIMITLESS number of positions
Designed for pressure relief and positioning. Moves position WITHOUT affecting the body angle of the patient.
Adjustable Leg & Footrest
Adjustable to 90-Degree Angle and 6″ for added length and comfort.
Anti-Bacterial Fabric
ANTI-BACTERIAL, anti-microbial, breathable material that can be easily cleaned or disinfected in seconds